Unit 1: Algebra (44)
- Logic and Set: Statements, logical connectives, truth tables, theorems based on set
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- Real numbers: Geometric representation of real numbers, interval,absolute value
- Function: Domain and range of a function, Inverse function, composite function, introduction of functions; algebraic (linear, quadratic & cubic), Transcendental (trigonometric,
exponential, logarithmic)
- Curve sketching: Odd and even functions, periodicity of a function, symmetry (about
origin, X-and Y-axis),monotonicity of a function, sketching the graphs of Quadratic, Cubic and rational functions of the form \(\frac{1}{ax+b}\) where \(a \ne 0\), Trigonometric (\(a \sin bx ,a \cos bx\)),
exponential (\(e^x\)), logarithmic function (\( \ln x \))
- Sequence and series: Arithmetic, geometric, harmonic sequences and series and their properties A.M, G.M, H.M and their relations, sum of infinite geometric series
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- Matrices and determinants: Transpose of a matrix and its properties, Minors and cofactors, Adjoint, Inverse matrix, Determinant, Properties of determinants (without proof)
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- Quadratic Equation: Nature and roots of a quadratic equation, Relation between
roots and coefficient. Formation of a quadratic equation, Symmetric roots, one or both roots common
- Complex number: Imaginary unit, algebra of complex numbers, geometric representation,
absolute (Modulus) value and conjugate of a complex numbers and their properties, square root of a complex
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Unit 2: Trigonometry (12)
- Inverse circular functions.
- Trigonometric equations and general values
Unit 3: Analytic Geometry (20)
- Straight Line: Length of perpendicular from a given point to a given line, Bisectors of the angles between two straight lines.
- Pair of straight lines: General equation of second degree in x and y, condition for representing a pair of lines, Homogenous second-degree equation in x and y, angle between pair of lines, Bisectors of the
angles between pair of lines
- Coordinates in space:Points in space,distance between two points, direction cosines and ratios of
a line
Unit 4: Vectors (12)
- Collinear and non collinear vectors, coplanar and non-coplanar vectors, linear combination of vectors, Linearly dependent and independent
Unit 5:Statistics and Probability (12)
- Measure of Dispersion: Standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, Skewness, Karl Pearson's coefficient of skewness
- Probability:Independent cases, mathematical and empirical definition of probability, two basic laws of
probability (without proof).
Unit 6:Calculus (48)
- Limits and continuity: Limits of a function, indeterminate forms. algebraic properties of limits (without proof), Basic theorems on limits of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions,
continuity of a function, types of discontinuity, graphs of discontinuous function
- Derivatives: Derivative of a function, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse of trigonometric,
exponential and logarithmic functions by definition (simple forms), rules of differentiation.
derivatives of parametric and implicit functions, higher order derivatives, geometric interpretation of
derivative, monotonicity of a function, interval of monotonicity, extreme values of a function, concavity,
points of inflection
- Anti-derivatives:Integration using basic integrals,integration by substitution and by parts methods, the definite integral, the definite integral as an area under the given curve, area between two curves
Unit 7:Computational Methods (12) or Mechanics
- System of linear equations: Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss Seidel Method
- Linear programming problems (LPP): simplex method (two variables only)
Unit 7:Mechanics(12) or Computational Methods
- Statics: Triangle law of forces and Lami's theorem
- Newton's laws of motion and projectile
Math 11 Curriculum
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Learning Outcomes
Logic and Set:
- Be acquainted with logical connectives and construct truth tables.
- Prove set identities
Real numbers:
- Define interval and absolute value of real numbers
- Find domain and range of a function.
- Find inverse function and calculate composite function of
given functions.
Curve sketching:
- Define odd and even functions, periodicity of a function, monotonicity of a function
- Sketch graphs of Quadratic,
Cubic and rational functions of the form \( \frac{1}{ax+b}\) where \(a \ne 0\) trigonometric ( \( a \sin bx ,a \cos bx)\), exponential (\(e^x\)), logarithmic function (\(\ln x, \log x\)).
Sequence and series:
- Define and classify sequence and series
- Solve the problems related to arithmetic, geometric and
harmonic sequences and series
- Establish relation among A.M, G. M and H.M.
- Find the sum of infinite geometric series .
Matrices and determinants:
- Obtain transpose of matrix and verify its properties.
- Calculate minors, cofactors, adjoint, determinant and
inverse of a square matrix
- Solve the problems using properties of determinants
Quadratic equation:
- Define polynomial function and polynomial equation.
- State and apply fundamental theorem of algebra.
- Find roots of a quadratic equation and establish the relation between roots and
- Form a quadratic equation with given roots.
Complex number:
- Define a complex number and solve the problems related to algebra of complex numbers.
- Find conjugate and absolute (modulus) value of a complex numbers and verify their properties
- Find square root of a complex number.
Sample project works/practical works for grade 11
- Take a square of arbitrary measure assuming its area is one square unit. Divide it in to four equal parts and shade one of them. Again take one not shaded part of that square and shade one fourth of it. Repeat the same process continuously and find the area of the shaded region.
- Truth values of conjunction and disjunction using logic gate circuit
- Write two simple statements related to mathematics and write four compound statements by using them.
- Prepare a model to illustrate the values of sine function and cosine function for different
angles which are multiples of \(\pi/2,\pi\).
- Prepare a model to explore the principal value of the function \(\sin^{–1} x\) using a unit circle
and present in the classroom.
- Draw the graph of \(\cos^{–1} x\), using the graph of cosx and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about the line y = x).
- Derive the length of perpendicular from (h, k) to line ax+by+c=0
- Derive the condition that general equation of second degree x and y represent pair of line.
- Verify that the equation of a line passing through the point of intersection of two lines \(a_1x
+ b_1y + c_1 = 0\) and \(a_2x + b_2y + c_2 = 0\) is of the form \((a_1x + b_1y + c_1) + K(a_2x + b_2y + c_2) = 0.\)
- Prepare a model and verify that angle in a semi-circle is a right angle by using vector method.
- Collect the scores of grade 10 students in mathematics and English from your school.
a. Make separate frequency distribution with class size 10.b. Which subject has more uniform/consistent result?c. Make the group report and present.
- Roll two dices simultaneously 20 times and list all outcomes. Write the events that the sum of numbers on the top of both dice is (a) even (b) odd in all above list. Examine either they are mutually exclusive or not. Also find the probabilities of both events.
- Search the application of derivative in our daily life with example.
- Find the area of circular region around your school using integration.
- Take a metallic bar available at your surrounding and make a rectangular frame. Find the dimension of the rectangular metallic frame with maximum area.
- Find the roots of any polynomial equation by using any ICT tools and present it in the classroom.
- Correlate the trapezoidal rule and Simpson rule of numerical integration with suitable example.
- Find the daily life problem related to motion of a particle in a straight line and solve that problem.
Student Assessment
Evaluation is an integral part of learning process. Both formative and summative evaluation
system will be used to evaluate the learning of the students. Students should be evaluated to assess
the learning achievements of the students. There are two basic purposes of evaluating students in
Mathematics: first, to provide regular feedback to the students and bringing improvement in
student learning-the formative purpose; and second, to identify student's learning levels for
decision making.
a. Internal evaluation
Internal assessment includes classroom participation, terminal examinations, and project
work/practical work (computer works and lab work) and presentation. The scores of evaluation
will be used for providing feedback and to improve their learning. Individual and group works are
assigned as projects.
The basis of internal assessment is as follows:
participation | Marks from terminal
examinations | project work/practical work | Total |
3 | 6 | 16 | 25 |
(i) Classroom participation
The mark for classroom participation is 3 which is given on the basis of attendance and
participation of students in activities in each grade.
(ii) Marks from trimester examinations
Marks from each trimester examination will be converted into full marks 3 and calculated total
marks of two trimesters in each grade.
(iii) Project work/practical work
Each Student should do at least one project work/practical work from each of seven content areas
and also be required to give a 15 minutes presentation for each project work and practical work in
classroom. These seven project works/practical works will be documented in a file and will be
submitted at the time of practical evaluation. Out of seven projects/practical works from each area
any one project work/practical work should be presented at the time of practical evaluation by
b. Final/External Examination
Final/external evaluation of the students will be based on the written examination at the end of each
grade. It carries 75 percent of the total weightage. The types and number questions will be as per
the test specification chart developed by the Curriculum Development Centre.
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